Tooting Bec 'A'
Sat 07 Nov 2015
Tooting Bec FC
Tooting Bec 'A'
Sporting 50
Prince Georges Fields, Raynes Park

Prince Georges Fields, Raynes Park

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Match details

Match date

Sat 07 Nov 2015



Meet time



Here are all the important details, please read carefully:

Meet Times:

Balham Station @11:45 (We will catch the 11:55 train to Clapham Junction, and then change to get the 12:06 to Raynes Park).

Changing Rooms at Raynes Park @12:30

Ground Details:
Prince George’s Playing Fields
Grand Drive
Raynes Park
SW20 9NB

We will all be at the ground for 12:30 sharp. Team talk will start at 12:50 so if you are not there you will be in danger of losing your place.

Please respect your team mates and make sure you arrive on time, that you have your £7/£10 subs ready to pay up front as well as your water, boots and shin pads.

Any issues/problems, please don't hesitate to call/text me on 07701073739.

Look forward to seeing you then!



Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Tooting Bec Sponsor - Orange Amplifiers
Club Nutrition - Sally Wisbey Nutrition
Catering Partner - Social Pantry
Teamwear Sponsor - Buster + Punch